Other resources
The following are Tutorials developed to assist you in using the tools provided on this website. We have also provided tips for general good practices and useful Engineering tools for Microsoft Excel. They were developed for use with Excel 2007 and require Powerpoint 2007.
Using Add-Ins
This tutorial is intended to assist you in using the files found on the course websites. It will show you how to download and install them.
General Excel Tips 1
This tutorial is intended to assist you in using Excel’s variable naming operations. Several “best practices” tips are also included for spreadsheet work.
General Excel Tips 2
This tutorial is intended to assist you in using the Excel functions Goalseek and Solver.
General Excel Tips 3
This tutorial is intended to assist you in performing matrix operations in Excel and using the Visual Basic Editor to write simple Macros.
ME 415 and Heat Transfer Functions
This tutorial has specific information about the ME 415 module and some of the heat transfer module.