ME309: Heat Transfer
This course is the first in heat transfer for the mechanical engineering students. It contains both fundamental concepts and applications. The course is divided into three approximately equal sections—1) one- and two-dimensional steady conduction and one-dimensional transient conduction; 2) convection concepts, boundary-layer concepts, external flow and heat transfer over flat plates, cylinders, and banks of tubes, and thermally developed flow in pipes and ducts; and 3) radiation concepts, black body enclosures, and diffuse-gray enclosures. In addition a brief introduction to heat exchangers is included.
Excel Tools Developed for Heat Transfer:
The following are excel addins and modules developed for use in the ME309 course. Right click the links and select “Save Link Target As” to download the files. Visit our Tutorials section to learn how to utilize them.
“All-in-one” Add-in for heat transfer which includes 1-D conduction, fin efficiencies, Nusselt correlations, effectiveness-NTU relations, and radiation functions.
heattransfer.msi – this is the Microsoft Installer kit that puts the Add-in in the right directory.
For Excel versions 2016 or higher, see steps 3 – 10 under “Manual Install” (seen on the Thermodynamics tab).
Here are the self-install modules containing the files in the .msi package above
Heat Transfer.xla (Excel 2003)
Heat Transfer.xlam (Excel 2007,2010,2013)
Heat Transfer.chm
Note: after downloading the file, you need to right-click on the file and check “Unblock” to allow Windows XP to open the .chm file.
Properties of air and water useful for convection calculations. Copy the appropriate file into the C:\Add-ins folder then activate the add-in from Excel.
AirWaterProperties(SI).xlam Cubic spline interpolation of data from Incropera and Dewitt in SI units. Give temperature in degrees K.
AirWaterProperties(English).xlam Cubic spline interpolation of tabular data from Hodge and Taylor in English units. Give temperature in degrees F.