Energy Systems: Analysis and Design
This is a classic thermal systems design course. It is application intensive and covers flow in pipes and piping systems, pumps and pumping systems, heat exchangers and heat exchanger design, and thermal system simulation.
Excel Tools Developed for Energy Systems:
The following are excel addins and modules developed for use in the course. Several functions including Swamee-Jain and Churchill friction, Hardy Cross, and Viscous Pump.
Right click the links and select “Save Link Target As” to download the files. Visit our Tutorials section to learn how to utilize them.
ME 415 Add-in.xlam (2007,2010,2013,2016 versions)
To allow the help descriptions in these add-ins to load properly, you will need to go to Icon->Excel Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Settings…->Macro Settings and check the “Trust access to the VBA object model” and click “OK”
ME 415 Add-in.xla (2003 version)
This compiled help file should also be downloaded and stored in the same directory as the add-in.
Air Water Properties These functions provide density, thermal conductivity, kinematic viscosity, and Prandtl number of air or water by cubic spline interpolation of data from appendix Hodge and Taylor.
For Windows operating systems…copies 415 Add-in.xlam, heattransfer.xlam, and AirWaterProperties(English).xlam, heattransfer.chm and ME415help.chm into C:\Add-ins directory. User need to manually “Browse” to activate these add-ins, and security needs to be relaxed to allow “Heat Transfer” to initialize (see Tutorials for assistance).
Primarily for MAC users, but works with Windows, too. This is a template file that contains the Heat Transfer, ME415, and AirWaterProperties(English) macros. Because MAC Excel does not support the “MacroOptions” feature needed to register the help information, use this template as a workaround. Start with this template for each new project, and use “Save As…” to create a copy. You will find a tab in the workbook that has written description of the help files. You will need to save your workbook as an “.xlsm” (macro-enabled workbook), and enable macros when opening.
This add-in provides NIST functions for T(emf) and emf(T) for type K and Type T thermocouples. Instructions for use: download file into “Add-ins” directory. Manually navigate to load the add-in.